NOTE: Most of the reports are in the Russian language only, except those marked with (English).
RESULTS OF HYDRODYNAMIC RESEARCHES Standard methods of fluid level build-up curve processing have been used in preparing hydrodynamic well testing (HDWT) materials. The practice of researches and the method of HDWT correspond a Guiding Instruction 153-39.0-109-01. In its researches the Executor used its own measuring facilities - electronic pressure thermal gauges MS-107, MTG-20M and sonic depth finders "Mikon" and "Sudos".
RESULTS OF HYDRAULIC LISTENING TO A WELL The hydraulic listening to a well was carried out in accordance with the request for proposal worked out for implementation of such a kind of researches on terms of the request. The request and the project for hydraulic listening to a well are in the Supplement 2. Recording of the bottom-hole pressure dynamics in the well has been fulfilled for 40 hours. The general view of the pressure dynamics recording and a scheme of testing are in the Supplement 1.
RESULTS OF FORMATION TESTING AND SWABBING IN THE PRODUCTION STRING BY THE KII2M-95 SET A combined scheme of jobs has been used there - testing plus swabbing. Advantages of such a technology is the possibility of repeated differential pressure creation by means of fluid lever lowering in tubing, formation critical area cleaning, the most representative fluid samples recovery as well as the correct determination of reservoir pressure.
WELL TESTING IN AN OPEN BOREHOLE The pressure build-up curve (PBC) has been processed by a Ryazanttsev's modified method of Horner with account of borehole influence on the rate of build-up pressure at the initial part of the curve (the after inflow effect.) The period of inflow for the PBC processing in half-logarithmic coordinates has been chosen from the fiishing moment of swabbing up to the start of PBC and consists of 367 minutes.
GASDYNAMIC RESEARCH RESULTS Two pressure build-up curves (PBC) have been processed by the 'Sapfire' software. The most probable formation models have been detected: 1. a model of endless formation with double porosity 2. a composite model of endless formation...