Our News
- September, 2023Work was carried out on hydromechanical perforation in the production string using a PGM-168 perforator. As a result, special holes were created in the 168 mm column, without penetration into the 245 mm column.
- May, 2022Successfully started work on formation testing of wells on pipes (DST) in the area of the city of Udachny, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) under the leadership of Andrey Nikolaevich Irbakhtin.
- May, 2022Successfully started work on thermal research in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
- November, 2021
The annual XXV Science-Practical Conference "Modernization of The Russian Geophysical Complex" has been held in Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan,
under the aegis of the Geophysical cluster "Kvant" and MOO EAGO.
Participant: Irbakhtin Al. N.
- February, 2021
The annual XXV Science-Practical Conference "Modernization of The Russian Geophysical Complex" has been held in GK "Kandry-Kul"
under the aegis of the Geophysical cluster "Kvant" and MOO EAGO. "Alend" Ltd has presented the report "The Adjacent Formation Testing",
that means execution of hydrodynamic researches of two adjacent intervals (objects) in an open wellbore for a single running-in of a set
with selection of gas samples.
(See: Ñìåæíîå ïëàñòîèñïûòàíèå ïëàñòîâ (In Russian only. File format - .pdf))
- December, 2020
Well tests in the process of drilling with the use of testing equipment running-in on tubes have been carried out in the
Irkuts region. The innovation of these operations are in the use of anchor equipment (without support on a bottom-hole), and
in testing of two independent objects for a single run of a unit, as well as in gas sampling. The gas inflow from the low object,
and very aerated brine water from the upper object have been received.
- December, 2019
Operations on field-geophysical researches have been started in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
- September, 2019
Works in the well ¹ 28 have been successfully carried out on hydrodynamic survey of a gas-bearing layer in an open well-bore
with the use of the ZPKM 2Ì-127 set, with brief moving of the gas inflow to the daytime surface and registration of the pressure build-up curve.
The gas flow rate has been determined by two methods. The 1-st method - analytical, based on calculation of overflow fluid volume with
account of empty space volume in drilling tubes and recalculated to surface conditions. The 2-nd method - based on approximate calculation
of the gas flow rate after shutting the well in the first moment of time (on the pressure build-up curve) according to recommendations of
GASPROM 086-2010 (Instruction on complex surveys of gas and gas-condensate wells). In the results of calculations comparable values of the gas flow rate
have been achieved with account of which filtration-volume capacities of the layer have been determined.
- May, 2019
Formation surveys on the well ¹ 41 in an open well-bore have been carried out with the help of the combined set ZPKM 2Ì-127 and IG-127
in the interval of 5100-5180 metres. Self overflow of fill-up fluid from annular space to a measuring container have been received,
as well as after the set lifting the methan has been extracted from a sampler (inspite of the lack of gas flow to the daytime surface).
Calculation of the gas flow rate has been done by analythical method with account of phisical-and-chemical gas properties and volume of extracted
fluid to the surface. This method of gas flow rate calculation is reflected in works of Ryazantsev N.F (“Testing of Wells in the Process of
Drilling”, 1982) and Yasashin A.M. (“Exposure, Sampling, and Testing of Formations”, 1979).
- March-April, 2019
Formation testings have been successfully conducted in the open well-bore ¹21 of the Artobay-Sartobe oil field (Republic of Kazakhstan).
The record temperature has been fixed for all formation testings on tubing which had been carried out earlier – 155 Centigrade.
The formation testing of the well-bore ¹42 of the Chinarevski oil-and-gas field (bottom-hole 5,106 m), with the help of the kit ZPKM-127,
the hydraulic valve IPM-127, and the reduction valve KR-127 used for sampling of hermetic sample, has been conducted.
In spite of actual absence of gas inflow, samples have been obtained from the sealed sampler located between the ZPKM-127 and the IPM-127.
The site was considered to be promising.
(See: Sampling at Formation Testing in an Open Bottom-Hole. Photos 1-4.).
- February, 2018
Recording of an inflow profile in the horizontal well 1HW has been carried out. The technology of works with autonomous tools lowering
on rods has been developed.
- November, 2017
A successful transaction on acquiring of the industrial base located in Usinsk has been conducted, as well as a warhouse, geophysical hoists,
sets of geophysical instruments for operations in enclosed well bores (including a modern set MAGIS), etc.
- September-October, 2016
Formation tests were succesfully conducted at the 201 Punginskaya gas well. During these tests the downhole samplers were used which provided
sampling of hermetical gas probes in formation conditions. The probes were sent to analysis into a chemical laboratory. The works were carried out by
R. R. Mavletov and An. N. Irbakhtin.
- April, 2016
Geophysical tests were conducted in an open borehole. That was a start of a new complex trend in conducting of borehole geophysics.
- October, 2015
Comprehensive tests of the exploratory Well 21P Nertsetinskaya have been successfully carried out. With the use of a formation tester of the 45mm
inside diameter, the closing of the well on the borehole has been done, after which it has been brought to a flowing mode. Deep samples of fluids have been
taken out.
(See: Description of Methods of Works and
Main Results (in Russian. Files in .pdf)).
- September, 2015
A Partner Agreement has been concluded in the area of field-geophysical and other surveys in the Pacific region of Asia with the Alend Well Services LTD.
Address: Office 32, 19-21 Crawford Street, London W1H 1PJ,
United Kingdom. info@alendwells.com
(See: Company Prospect (Files in .pdf)).
- February, 2015
A new method of surveys has been successfuly introduced at the Chetdyisky oilfield in Komi Republic. The field works have been carried out by guidance of
Andrey Nikolayevich Irbakhtin.
(See: 'Alend' Ltd Presentation. (in Russian. Files in .ppt)).
- February, 2015
Works on geothermal surveys (thermodynamic surveys of wells) have been successfully launched on a Boka de Haruko field in Republic of Cuba.
The works have been implemented by guidance of Irbakhtin Nikolay Vasilievich.
- December, 2014
Participation in the 19th Conference «New possibilities, machinery and technology of geophysical surveys of wells»
for chief experts of oil-and-gas, geophysical and drilling companies. The Conference was held by OJSC NPF "Geophizika" and
Bashkirsky State University together with the Bashkir Department EAGO and AIS.
Participant: Irbakhtin Al. N.
- Oktober, 2014
The new technology of field geophysical surveys (FGS) on a wire with a help of autonomous instruments has been brought under.
This technology is actual for wells with high excessive pressure on the mouth where there is no opportunity to work out FGS on a
geophysical cable.
- 12 August, 2013
August 12, 2013 'Alend' Ltd has got the right on carrying out shooting-explosive (perforation) works.
(See: License.
Certificate to the License. (in Russian. Files in .pdf)).
- 02 August, 2012
The 7 th Russian-Chineese Scientific Symposium on Field Geophysics. Irkutsk.
Participant: Enterprise Founder – Nikolay Vasilievich Irbakhtin
- 24 May, 2012
The 2 nd International Conference "Timano-Pechorskaya Oil and Gas Bearing Province: Perspectives of
Reservoir Management".
Participant: Irbakhtin Al. N.
- 15 - 17 Ìàé, 2012
The 11th International Scientific and Technical Conference
"Monitoring of Oil- and Gas-field Development: Exploration and Production".
Participant: Irbakhtin An. N.
- 17 - 19 May, 2011
The 10th International Scientific and Technical Conference
"Monitoring of Oil- and Gas-field Development".
Participant: Irbakhtin Al. N.
(See: Report Presentation. (in Russian. File format - .ppt))
- 12 - 15 May, 2011
The 9th International Scientific and Technical Conference
"Modern Technologies in Hydrodynamic and Diagnostic Researches of Wells at All
Stages of Field Development."
Participant: Irbakhtin Al. N.
- January, 2010
Formation testing in the process of drilling and hydrodynamic researches of the 602P and 603P wells at the
Saratayuskaya area. In spite of abnormal hole bore conditions (wellbore T = +1250 C and
max. wellhead P = 240 kgs/cm2), the surveys were successfully completed.
The works were supervised by 'Alend' Ltd. Engineer Irbakhtin An. N.
- 19 - 21 May, 2009
The 8th International Scientific and Technical Conference
"Modern Technologies in Hydrodynamic and Diagnostic Researches of Wells at All
Stages of Field Development."
Participant: Irbakhtin Al. N.
(See: Photo 1,
Photo 2,
Photo 3,
Photo 4 ).
- 23 - 26.09.2008
The 5th Russian-Chineese Symposium on Field Geophysics.
Participant: Irbakhtin Al. N.
(See: Photo 1 ).
- November, 2007
Scientific Production Firm "Geofizika" Ltd.
Seminar: "Oil and Gas Services - a Key to Rational Use of Energy Resources."
Participant: Irbakhtin Al. N.
- 22 May, 2007
Scientific Production Firm "Geofizika" Ltd.
Seminar: "New Techniques and Technologies for Hydrodynamic Well Testing."
Participant: Irbakhtin N. V.
- January, 2006
Oil and Gas Business Institute. Moscow, "Well Researchers' Club."
Seminar: "Hydrolic Fracturing of a Formation - 05."
Participants: Irbakhtin N. V., Irbakhtin An. N.
- December, 2005
Oil and Gas Business Institute. Moscow, "Well Researchers' Club."
Seminar: "Modern Hydrodynamic Researches - 22."
Participant: Irbakhtin N. V.
- 25 - 26 May, 2005
Scientific Production Firm "Geofizika" Ltd.
Seminar: "Geological Information Technologies in Oil and Gas Services."
Participant: Irbakhtin N. V.
- 29 - 30 March, 2005
SOil and Gas Business Institute. Moscow, "Well Researchers' Club."
Seminar: "Skin Factor in Oil and Gas Business."
Participant: Irbakhtin Al. N.