Intensification of Formations by Cavitation-Vortical Influence on a Bed

Depression-wave treatment of the critical area of formation is carried out in a large scale of high-frequency waves.

The sound capillary effects may occur under the influence of pressure waves. They may be accompanied by abnormally high 'momentary' filtration of a bed or flushing fluid through capillary channels into a colmatation layer that will cause destruction action on the bed by a wedging fluid films pressure and surfactants which are formed on the surfaces of the colmatant or rock particles. These films play the role of lubrication between hard particles and attenuate the structural and mechanical stability of a colmatation plug and adhesive interaction of a comaltant with a rock surface.

The well assembly UVTV-118 is shown on the picture below. It consists of a UPN-118-146-2 device (a jet pump with a hydraulic packer) or NSP-118 device (a jet pipe with a hydraulic packer and their off-on switch unit), a cascade of vortical cavitation-wave generators UVK-116 and a container for thermochemical blocks ...