Formation Testing

1. Formation Testing in an Open Borehole

Besides the traditional KII-146 set of testing equipment, the ZPKM2M-127; 146 set is used in wells without abnormal high pressure (AHP). The set is convenient as it is possible to create an iterative influence on the formation by rotating of a drilling string to the right (10 turns).

In wells with AHP as well as in directional wells the IG-Geolog-127; 146 sets are used. Control of proving valves is done at the expense of drilling tools withdrawal. There is a variant of assembly running in without a circulation valve. At that method the probing gauge is run in a well in an open state and the creation of depression is done by injection of estimated volume of service water into pipes after a packer load creation. It is the most safe method of operations with potentially high-output and gas-saturated installations with high energy characteristics...

2. Formation Testing in a Production Well Column

There are several variants of testing equipment arrangements depending on geological and technical peculiarities of operations.

The most commonly used equipment for operations in well columns is KII-95. The check-turning valve (CTV) can be used as a shut device as well as the multi-cycle device which allows fixing of pressure-build-up curve (PBUC) by means of a tool withdrawal

For wells with AHP the MIK 95 set is used which can withstand pressure drops up to 350 kgf/cm2 (34,323.275 kPa.) The main unit of a set IPC-95 is made in such a way that the time of its opening during packer and testing equipment load creation does not depend on formation temperature which gives opportunity to operate at temperatures up to 1500C...

3.1 Standard Diagrams of Manometers Installed Below a Packer in the Process of Formation Testing in an Open Borehole

Permeable, productive object:

Impermeable object:

An example of well testing with abnormal low pressure:

An example of conducting a prolonged testing in an open borehole with a double packering in a technical column. The composition of liquid, entering into pipes, is controled with the use of borehole geophysics instruments:

An example of well testing with abnormal high pressure:

Formation testing with multiple drainage of a bed:

3.2 Standard Diagrams of Manometers Installed Below a Packer in the Process of Formation Testing in a Production String

An example of hydrodynamic well testing with the use of a bottom-hole valve for closing a well on fluid level build-up curves (FLBC).

A four cycle testing: bringing a well on a flowing mode - swabbing-registration of FLBC - cutting of a circulation valve - killing of a well:

Closing of a well on FLBC at the bottom with the use of a packer lowered into the well on a cable:

Formation testing + multiple swabbing: